How to Connect with Google Sheet

Follow the below steps to generate a Client Id and Client Secret Key.

  • Go to Google Cloud Console and log in with your Gmail account details.
  • Now create a new project(or choose an existing one), enter the project name and click on Create.
  • Once the project is created, click on the hamburger icon on the top left side and then go to APIs & Sevices and select Library from the menu.

  • Next, in the Library, enable the API service for the following Google Drive API and Google Sheet API.

  • Then, under the API & Service option, select the OAuth Consent Screen, set the user type to External, and click Create.

  • Next, you need to follow a series of steps on the OAuth Consent Screen.
    • Fill up the Application Information

    • Then, add authorized domain names and the Developer's email, and then Save & Continue for the rest of the steps.

Note: Don't forget to change the Publishing Status to Production; otherwise, you will encounter a 403 error.

  • Then go to Credentials from the API & Services menu and Create new Credentials for OAuth client ID.

  • Next, for the Application Type, select Web Application and give a suitable Client Name. This name is only used to identify the client and will not be shown to the end-user.

  • Next, go to Authorized redirect URIs and add the URI, which is shown in instruction Step 14 of the Form Vibes settings Page and click on Create.
  • Next, the OAuth Client ID and Key are generated; copy these credentials and paste them into the FormVibes settings page and click on Authenticate.

  • Once you click on Authenticate, it will redirect you to connect to your Gmail account; that's it, you have successfully integrated the APIs.

Note: While connecting to Gmail, you might encounter some errors like a 403 error; it is basically because you forgot to move your application from Publishing status to Production.

Another error you can get is related to app verification. 

  • To resolve this issue, click on Advanced, go to the app, enable all the permissions required, and then click on Done. This will authenticate your client credentials.

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